THE SNEE"s top-rated reality TV show, AMERICAN ICON is ranked number one for the third consecutive week! Producers and writers credit Granny Smith Computer Systems for the smash hit's unprecedented success. "Pretty much, if it weren't for Granny Smith, we wouldn't be here". Her information waste management policies for disposing of unwanted documents, programs, photos and other items are so popular that we just felt the time was ripe for a show like this. America can't get enough of it!" bragged a camera man.
Americans are absolutely mesmerized by the three judges who each have experience handling desktop information disposal: Granny Smith's green computer icon, The COMPOST BIN; Personal Computer's(PC) expert, The RECYCLE BIN; and it's latest hot-seller the enigmatic SKELETON CLOSET. Master of Ceremonies, TRASH is also an exciting addition to the show. He of course is thrilled to be on the air after his humiliating firing from former Macintosh Computer. "His dirty mouth really keeps everyone on their toes!"said, one of the producers.
American Icon's Panel of Judges
Master of Ceremonies TRASH, Strikes a Pose
America's favorite computer icons in this heart-racing competition are, The SINKHOLE, The ORBITER, The MASTICATOR,The SEWER RAT,The INCINERATOR, The BLACK HOLE, The SHREDDER and The FLUSHER. We at The Snee are predicting that The LANDFILL will be eliminated in this week's episode. Although LANDFILL's capacity is larger than TRASH, it still tends to clog the cyber highways with unwanted waste.
The race is a real nail biter with so many talented contestants! Each Icon comes to the show with his or her own very special take on unwanted information storage and disposal. The winner of American Icon will receive an exclusive one year contract with the computer system of his choice and be prominently displayed on America's desktops.
The Orbiter
Let's the universe know that you're out there.
The Black Hole
Pulls your information into "infinity and beyond-d-d-d...."
Burns Everything!!Asks no questions.
The Sewer Rat
Designed for explorers and animal lovers..
The Masticator
Excellent choice for dental hygenists.
The Landfill
Great for people who like to poke around for stuff.
All about zen: Gives the Minotaur something to do.
Tasty, stores well and can be reused in craft projects
Collapses information in seconds without warning.
The Flusher
User friendly. Sometimes requires a plunger.
Set your DVRs if your busy.You can catch "American Icon" Tuesday Nights at 8:00PM EST on The SNEE's Reality Cable TV network. Don't forget, You have a voice, so please vote for your favorite!
Disclaimer American Icon while inspired by reality television programming is 100% fictional, but please use the comments area to place your vote for America's favorite icon.