Last Sunday's explosive expose on Apple's wasteful methods of information disposal shook the iconic company down to it's proverbial core. In an effort to shine up it's blemished image, Apple terminated it's relationship with Macintosh, a long-term symbol of Apple's edgy computer line in lieu of a newer, more down to earth symbol. The new name for Apple's computer line was unveiled at yesterday's press conference. "We're going green!' stated Apple's CEO, Mr. George Fruitman Esquire III.
TM"Macintosh is a great apple, but his reckless environmental waste management policies endangered the health of our company and brought our profit margins down into the red for the first time in years. The new name for our computer line will communicate to the public that we are committed to greener pastures. For this reason, I'd like to introduce you all to our new face- Miss Granny Smith"!
Apple's Granny Smith steals the show while Macintosh sticks out his tongue!
To explosive applause, Granny Smith appeared on the stage. "I'm really surprised they picked me. Being a bit of a sour green apple, I'm not known for my sweet personality. I really thought they were going to go with Yellow Delicious. She really is sweet"! exclaimed Ms. Smith, an inveterate apple admirer.
CAUGHT! Mac screams at Granny Smith backstage in hair and make-up.
Macintosh Apple is reeling and his reputation is literally trashed. The best-seller in the fruit world of computer systems is shocked that he was let go just because of the TRASH icon. "Throwing away information is not always wasteful. There are some pieces of information that should not be recycled. They should just disappear"! Perhaps Macintosh should have chosen his words more carefully, because he did disappear. The next day he was made into apple sauce and eaten with a potato pancake. Granny Smith was picked the very next day.
DISCLAIMER: THE SNEE is 100% fictional! Any resemblance to real people or events is coincidental and kind of amazing. In otherwords......use any computer brand name you like!