Burlingham, Vermont Mom and all around great gal, Maggie Storrs, fell victim to one of the complications of Dr. Magnono's magnetic implants when a Holstein cow wearing a metal bell unexpectedly was drawn by the powerful magnet towards Ms. Storrs' shoulder. The result was horrifying as Maggie found herself crushed by the formidable heavy milker when the cow unexpectedly tripped and toppled on top of her. Maggie is married to Mr. Thierry Storrs who collapsed last January when their son Michael made an earth-stopping discovery about his Macintosh Computer.
Animal Activist and Mom, Lydia Verdi of Burlingham, Vermont discovered her passion for animal rights after her lovely suburban home was flooded by pond water that had become displaced by the sudden appearance of Champ, the never before seen un- documented sea monster of Lake Champlain. Her imprint on animal rights this year alone is astounding as she has been featured in hot topic news covering facebook's animal photo abuses, the ground hog's day shadow debacle, and the displaced gara ruffa from Arizona. She is married to entrepreneur and Op Ed Writer, Wilson Verdi who is the Assistant Director of Go Green: All Natural Hemp Golf Apparel.
Champ is the former, never before seen Sea Monster of Lake Champlain nestled firmly between New York and Vermont. Champ became disheartened by the deteriorating condition of the lake and the deplorable state of the economy. Deciding to take a conscientious stance on the environment, and his finances, he made an important decision to downsize his habitat and relocate to a golf course waterhole in Burlingham, VT. His decision had unexpected consequences however when he was arrested for watershed violations that caused massive flooding throughout the community. He also met his partner and best friend Gertie Goose, a long neck with a long history of relocations and over the border migrations without clearing customs. Recently, Champ has been featured in the news for civil right's activism on behalf of powerless species that are persecuted because of who or what they are.
A lovely long-neck Canadian Goose who shares the golf course pond with Champ. They have caused a skuttlebut with their suburban neighbors because of interspecies cohabitation that is very controversial, and not well understood.
Michael Storrs, Son of Maggie and Thierry Storrs, inadvertently made an observation during some computer time at home that Apple Computers used a trash icon while Personal Computers used a recycle bin to dispose of digital information waste. Michael is credited with transforming our computer screens to clean and green. " People can finally see through their windows!" Michael proclaimed.
Mr. Wilson is an Op Ed writer for the online Snicker news page. During the day he works hard at his demanding job as Co-Director of GO GREEN: All Natural Hemp-Made Golf Apparel. Wilson is persnickety and has a confusing often contradictory take on world affairs. He has a twin brother in the military named GI JOE.
Macintosh Apple is iconic. He has represented Apple's Computer line for decades. This past January, the yummy apple's reputation got slammed when Michael Verdi pointed out that Mac's information waste policy was creating online clutter on the digital highways. Apple fired Mac replacing him with Granny Smith a fresh, green apple with a sour byte.
Macintosh rebuilt his tarnished reputation by first hiring Dr. Magnono to restore his bite back with a magnetic implant. This surgery transformed him from half eaten to whole, and he is now one of Hollywood's biggest celebrities.
He recently was exposed as a seedy apple after claiming that he was a descendant of the forbidden fruit that grew on the the tree of life in the Garden of Eden. He also is under investigation for corporate espionage with his secret lover, new Apple Icon, Granny Smith.
Granny Smith Apple burst on the scene when she replaced Macintosh as Apple's computer Icon. Granny Smith quickly updated APPLE's information Waste policy putting them in front of all other digital tech companies in the area of clean, green information waste management. Unfortunately, News reports surfaced that Granny was in cahoots with Former apple employee Macintosh. Her former relationship with Apple Records placed her in the perfect position to act as a double agent betraying both of her employers in order to join Mac in a megalomaniacal scheme to take over the digital music industry by merging both APPLE companies in order to control the world. The two apples are purportedly taking a holiday in the islands and have been unavailable to comment on the current accusations.
Seamstress and Shadow Repairs and Tears (STARS) CEO. She is attributed with reestablishing the employment of hand sewing techniques, and advocating for the protection of all silhouettes and shadows. She and experienced shadow connoisseur, Peter Pan saved Groundhog's Day by repairing Punxsutawny Phil's badly torn shadow. She then went on to sign a maintenance agreement with facebook to maintain, and restore facebook profile silhouettes. Her non-profit organization STARS has since branched out into the aesthetics world where she offers spa services to keep silhouettes from losing their youthful appearance even after prolonged usage on profile pages. She is admired for her advocacy work on behalf of racial diversity for silhouettes on social network pages. Rumors have recently circulated that Ms. Deerling is being investigated for involvement in a fairy dust
Igaina Whately, of Burlingham, Vermont is a renowned whistle blower, food connoisseur and gossip who discovered the appalling condition of Punxsutawny Phil's shadow on Groundhog's Day and called her friend, Windy Deerling to restore his shadow emergently. She also discovered that facebook was providing a one size fits all gender and race biased silhouette for facebook newbies. Outraged she accused facebook of silhouette abuse and White Male Supremacy race profiling because of the lack of avatar choices when signing on to the social network. She called Windy Deerling again who signed an agreement with facebook to maintain, and restore all of their profile silhouettes.
entrepreneurs and Co-founders of the popular, non-polluting unbottled
spring water company SageWaters, Inc, Minnie and her best friend from
college, Salina LaCaloca, burst on the scene in the mid 1980s with
their unbottled spring water concept. Flavored with natural wild sage
which is hand-picked in Salt Lake City, their water is accessible to
anyone who brings a container to a locally installed feed trough. They
are also known as the creators of the wildly successful online site
called TIME BAY: An internet exchange site for managing too much or too
little time. This brilliantly conceived online site is the off-spring of
their cutting edge invention called THE TIME SNATCHER - a time regulating
device which has inspired millions of people afflicted with a
debilitating condition called, Seasonal Ineffective Disorder, to take
control of their lives during seasonal time changes.
More Who's Who later on this week as the SNEE must go back to archives to figure out exactly who are these people?
Jean Couteaux
Lucy Brestini
Adam Raponnier
Evening Raponnier
Detective Tale Spinner
The Shadowman
Ahava Tumiake
Actasi Belek